Sougou Medical Koushiki
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Machi no Inochi wo Tsunagu Shigoto
An aging obstetrician wonders what will happen to her clinic and patients once she is unable to care for them any longer. As if by fate, a man comes to her clinic to explain the Doctor to Doctor program, which connects an experienced doctor with a younger one who can take over their practice after they retire. Though skeptical, the physician decides to hear the man out as she keeps her patients' best interest in mind.
Ojii-san no Kusuri
An anxious, elderly man arrives at a pharmacy to get his prescriptions filled, but he is ashamed that he cannot understand the instructions for his medication. Seeing his patient struggle, the pharmacist proposes a new and simpler way to dispense his medications that will ensure the patient does not miss another dose.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]