During the emperor's patrol of the sea, Prince Jianwen witnessed his teacher and friend Admiral Zheng suddenly regicide. He was framed by the court for patricide and seized the throne. In a panic, he drove the Qinglong Spirit Ship back to Quanzhou and intended to return to Nanjing to confront his uncle Prince Yan. Admiral Zheng accepted the order of Prince Yan, the regent, and returned to Quanzhou to arrest Jianwen. After Prince Jianwen saw through the truth, he started his escape journey south from Quanzhou. During his escape, Jianwen made friends with Japanese ninja Qili, Mongolian navy commander Tengges, and Portuguese naturalist Harold. The four of them formed a sincere friendship during their adventure and prepared to embark on a journey to find out the truth of Admiral Zheng's regicide, with the largest pirate base on Penglai Island in the South China Sea as their target. At this time, various forces inside and outside the court were ready to make a move.
(Source: Baidu Baike)
Characters and Voice Actors

Pei, Jianwen