Kotatsu Neko
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A lazy cat sits comfortably under the "kotatsu", a low table with a heater used in Japan to keep warm during winter. What will he do when he realizes the remote control of his TV is out of reach?
A lazy cat sits comfortably under the "kotatsu", a low table with a heater used in Japan to keep warm during winter. What will he do when he realizes the remote control of his TV is out of reach?
- Rate: G - All Ages
- Native: Kotatsu Neko
- Synonyms: Kotatsuneko, Kotatsu Cat
- Aired: Feb 2005 to Nov 2005
- Duration: 1 min per ep
- Episodes: 2
- Score: 5.79
- Genre: Comedy
- Producer: Space Neko Company
Characters and Voice Actors

Kotatsu Neko